Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hell-O my blog

Err, first of all i'll tell you a good news,
I just had a chat with angger and we talked about so many things!
And finally we can share everything between us, and it’s for the first time!!
He said that he prefer to have a girlfriend that older than him..
Why he didn’t tell me before?
But its ok, finally I know what he wanted..
He let me know about his life, and he so happy now..
We can drop the past and be true to each other..
All of the sad stories already forgotten,
All of the stupid mistakes already forgiven,
And its time to build a new life..
I think we are better not to cross the line
And accept the reality that we are good to be just friend, even good friend!
Yeaahh.. I never felt this way before, im so happy with all of this situation..
Finally we can break the silence 